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Life Changing Story
Travel Back Through Time To Genesis
Fictional Story Based Upon Factual Events
This is a Christian based historical fiction novel. It is a work beginning in Noah’s time with plans to reach the New Testament. All content is published on the site and is free to read. No downloads, no paywalls, no fuss, simply read and share.
On the east side of the mountain was a gentle slope which rose in elevation to a steeper but walkable climb. On top of this was the base of the mountain. Reaching the base, I looked up to see the ark. It took my breath away.

Links Are Given To Compare To Genesis
Through the novel link citations are given to factual events to help the reader better understand Genesis. The goal of the fictional story is to expose errors of perception to our modern understanding of that time.
He was tall, built from hard days of labor, and had eyes that would pierce right through you. Noah was a gentle but serious soul in heart. Nevertheless not a man to mess with. How did this happen you ask? I still am not sure myself.

See History Through The Eyes Of Clay Webb
The narrative is built around a man named Clayton Webb who was transported back in time to relive history. He searches to discover why. Here modern concepts are weighed against Biblical truths.
Out of sync with time I did not age. Moving through time I met the beast Nimrod. A hulk of a man with no morality. Brutal and fierce he was feared by all. The results of his hands would once again cause the world to forever change.

My Name is Clayton Webb
I share my story here. I am not asking you to believe it. I simply must share it.